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Python getting Started.

Published: at 03:10 AM


Python for Windows

  1. visit Python release for Windows.
  2. Download the compitable installer for your windows.
  3. follow the instructions for installation by clicking on Next button.

Python for MacOs

  1. visit Python release for MacOs.
  2. Download the compitable installer for your macos.
  3. follow the instructions for installation by clicking on Next button.

Python for Linux

  1. you can install it from terminal.
  2. sudo apt install python3

Python Quickstart

  1. Let’s VS code for creating our first file and run it.
  2. Open any working directory/folder and create your first file called
  3. write your first code-
print("Hello Python!")

4.Open your command line, navigate to the directory where you saved your file, and run:
