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How to install kali nethunter in non-rooted android.

Published: at 06:10 AM

The Kali NetHunter project is the first Open-source Android penetration testing platform for Android devices, allowing for access to the Kali toolset from various supported Android devices. There are multiple unique features not possible on other hardware platforms.

The Kali NetHunter interface allows you to easily work with complex configuration files through a local web interface. This feature, together with a custom kernel that supports 802.11 wireless injection and preconfigured connect back VPN services, make the Kali NetHunter a formidable network security tool or discrete drop box - with Kali Linux at the tip of your fingers wherever you are!

Kali Nethunter rootless edition.

Install Kali NetHunter on any stock, unrooted Android device without voiding the warranty. nethunter-rootless


Android Device (Stock unmodified device, no root or custom recovery required)


kali@kali:~$ termux-setup-storage
kali@kali:~$ pkg install wget
kali@kali:~$ wget -O install-nethunter-termux
kali@kali:~$ chmod +x install-nethunter-termux
kali@kali:~$ ./install-nethunter-termux


Open Termux and type one of the following:

nethunterstart Kali NetHunter command line interface
nethunter kex passwdconfigure the KeX password (only needed before 1st use)
nethunter kex &start Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience user sessions
nethunter kex stopstop Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience
nethunter <command>run in NetHunter environment
nethunter -rstart Kali NetHunter cli as root
nethunter -r kex passwdconfigure the KeX password for root
nethunter -r kex &start Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience as root
nethunter -r kex stopstop Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience root sessions
nethunter -r kex killKill all KeX sessions
nethunter -r <command>run in NetHunter environment as root

Note: The command nethunter can be abbreviated to nh. Tip: If you run kex in the background (&) without having set a password, bring it back to the foreground first when prompted to enter the password, i.e. via fg - you can later send it to the background again via Ctrl + z and bg

To use KeX, start the KeX client, enter your password and click connect Tip: For a better viewing experience, enter a custom resolution under “Advanced Settings” in the KeX Client